Affordable Healthcare We Can Count On

Since our founding, HCAN has been fighting to ensure that everyone, no matter where they live or what they look like, has access to quality, affordable healthcare. In addition to protecting and expanding the Affordable Care Act, we’ll continue to take on insurance corporations that rake in profits at the expense of our health, press for policies that reduce racial and gender health disparities, and push lawmakers to address the current gaps in mental health care, home based community care for older Americans and people with disabilities, and access to healthcare in rural communities. In the United States, we should all have access to affordable coverage and quality care without going into debt, forgoing treatments or suffering hardship to get the services we need.

September 20, 2024 in Affordable Healthcare, Blog

New Research Confirms What Patients Know: We’re Paying More for Worse Health

Health care continues to be a leading concern for voters in this year’s election and with good reason. Whether it’s premiums, deductibles, prescriptions or other out-of-pocket costs, the price of…
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March 22, 2024 in Affordable Healthcare, Blog, Medicaid, Reproductive Healthcare

14 Features to Celebrate on the ACA’s 14th Anniversary

March 23, 2024 marks the 14th anniversary of the passage of the landmark Affordable Care Act, the most significant and comprehensive healthcare reform since the 1960s passage of Medicare and…
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January 5, 2024 in Affordable Healthcare, Blog

Coverage Without Lowering Out-of-Pocket Cost Is Not Enough–It’s Time to Address Affordability

President Biden and lawmakers in Congress have made tremendous strides in increasing access to healthcare–both by expanding coverage and by lowering the cost of services like prescription drugs in Medicare.…
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December 11, 2023 in Affordable Healthcare, HCAN In The News

The Gazette: Reynolds should support nursing home staffing rules

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